How dogs relate to social justice

Many dog training classes in Sonoma County are out of reach to our community - they are are not bilingual, some are very expensive, and most require committing to 4-6 weeks of classes every week. In an effort to counter systems of inequity, classism, and racism in animal welfare, we collaborated with Animal Welfare United, Una Vida, and students of Bergin University of Canine Studies to offer a free community outreach event focusing on "dog training and behavior", conducted in both English and Spanish. This opportunity was created with the belief that everyone deserves access to professional guidance to help foster a happy and healthy relationship between dogs and their human companions. Finding a credible dog trainer can be a huge challenge, especially when faced with additional barriers to access such as language, finances, and location. For these reasons, Bergin’s Bachelor of Science students collaborated with volunteers to provide a variety of free hands-on workshops open to all community members. All workshops were offered in English and Spanish over the course of a sunny afternoon. The event was generously hosted and promoted by our friends at Una Vida. We sincerely appreciate everyone who helped make this event happen in person and behind the scenes!

This event was just one example of how the Deviled Eggery is open to partnering or sponsoring events that align with our core principles. If you have an event you’d like to host, reach out to us! We offer free access to bright, casual indoor + outdoor spaces for meetings, workshops, art displays, performances, and a wide range of small events that forward our passions around social justice, creative expression, sustainable agriculture/protecting the environment, and mental health advocacy, as well as general community building programs.


Living in community


Plant sale to benefit Una Vida